5 x 5 milliliter
20 700-55
516 EUR
Form of the ge l:
Particle size of beads:
40 to 130 um
Type of agarose Columns:
Ion Exchange Agarose
5 times 5.0 mililiters
Chromatographic purification with:
Mini-column Cellufine MAX Phenyl Media
HPLC media generaly known as:
Cellufine MAX Phenyl Chromatography Media
Shelf life:
Five years after the date of manufacturing
Chromatography Model or electric charge:
Hydrophobic interaction; Suitable for purification of proteins and enzymes
Chemical and physical stability:
This media must be stored in a fridge at 2-8 degrees celsius. May be stored at room temperature only if the pH is between 3-12. Freezing may damage the media. MC Cellufine Sulfate Media is autoclavable at pH 7 up to 20 minutes.
The Chromatography range of Cellufine MAX Phenyl Media, also known as Chisso cefarose nicherei purification aragose column is adsorption and more particularly in hydrophobic interactions like purification of large proteins and enzymes. It is easy to use columns for Cellufine Hydrophobic Interactionchromatography (HIC), which is in the base of the column. The media is functionalized with HIC groups.
Additional description:
There are two major types of growth media those used for cell culture , which use specific cell types derived from plants or animals, and microbiological culture, which are used for growing microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast. The most common growth media for microorganisms are nutrient broths and agar plates with antibiotics; specialized media are sometimes required for microorganism and cell culture growth.